Steven L. Bock
Steven L. Bock has extensive experience as a senior corporate executive, an industry consultant, a private equity investor, and as a corporate lawyer. Mr. Bock is principally focused on the consumer and technology sectors. He is currently Chairman of CrazyGlo, a manufacturer and distributor of specialized promotional products based upon patented photographic print technology.
He is Founder and Chairman of Swaponz (swaponz.com), which is reimagining customization and communication through multimedia consumer products. Swaponz products feature its patented InfiniteSwap® technology and its .Live digital content platform which creates the ability to link changeable digital content, including videos, websites and e-stores, and Augmented Reality content (utilizing its web-based AR capabilities), to its products.
He is also a Founding Partner and Board Member of Healthier Cleaning Innovations. HCI has developed and sells a device that produces an all-purpose and powerful cleaner, disinfectant and odor-killer that doesn’t contain toxic chemicals. The patented and EPA registered product is called Force of Nature (forceofnatureclean.com) and its technology is based on the science of electrolyzed water, where salt, vinegar and water are processed at a low level of electricity.
Mr. Bock is a Member of the Board of Advisors of DentiScope. Dentiscope is a California-based startup with a first-of-its-kind digital dental health solution that uses AI-Computer Vision and a patented smartphone attachment to perform inexpensive and highly accurate dental assessments, in less than a minute, from the comfort of home.
In addition to other senior executive roles, Mr. Bock was Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Specialty Catalog Corp., a publicly traded direct marketer targeting niche consumer product categories through a variety of catalogs and E-commerce web sites. Prior to joining Specialty Catalog, Mr. Bock was an officer at investment holding and management firms and was a law firm partner.
Mr. Bock holds a B.S. from the State University of New York at Albany and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.